New Book by John Freivalds

Till the River Runs Dry

John Freivalds has finished writing a new book on the life of his wife of 20 years. Her life was remarkable in that she dropped out of the corporate rat race at age 42 and traveled Asia alone for a year.

She took this huge risk and returned to find a dream job, marriage, and house on a mountaintop. Everything.

Then life interviened bringing about 29 surgeries in a decade, numerous broken bones and hip and knee replacements yet still maintained an unbridled spirit to keep on living and inspiring life in whatever shape God provided.

Finally a deadly cancer entered her weakened body and diagnosis to death was 12 days.

Exerpts from the book can be found on John Frevialds blog (

Book is available from Vook, Barns & Noble, & Amazon

This is John Freivalds fifth book.

For further information and revew copies contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.