Services : Guerilla Marketing  
Few believe that 4 color spreads in magazines, thirty-second TV spots during the super bowl or the fancy interactive booth at a trade shows will alone create sales and awareness of your product or service. JFA brings a world of experience with techniques that have created sales and awareness but have not cost a fortune to do so.

We believe that share of mind is share of market and there are a number of alternative ways to do this besides buying media time or space.

Innovative Marketing communications are a JFA specialty. And why not, many of our clients have been magazines, newspapers. and media networks. We know how the media works from our first hand experience in starting and managing media in several countries and languages.

Here are some case histories involving a full range of guerilla linguistic services inclosing research, development of marketing strategies, implementing a sales program, and/or getting a new program off the ground.

Smarte Carte. Sound sales Strategy.

If you fly, you know this company, as their rental luggage carts are in almost every US airport, and several overseas. JFA was retained to find out how to get people to use carts more. Should they advertise in the airport, airline magazines, use billboards outside the airport or some other media promotion?

To find out JFA, interviewed 1,000 randomly selected travelers with baggage at eight US airports from La Guardian to LAX. We found that the best way to create awareness and sales was for a Smarte Carte employee to jiggle carts while people waited for their luggage. Travelers are too distracted to think about anything, but do respond to noise.

The Periodic Tables. How to get something for next to nothing.

The publisher of decorative wall posters wanted to get as much media exposure as possible at a reasonable cost. Advertising was out so what could they do? We know that magazines have to be published in multiples of 16 pages. This meant at the end of the month it was hard to reconcile pages, ads, and editorial. JFA's suggestion: Enter an arrangement with a number of trade magazines to barter ad space for sales (both individual and corporate ). The magazines loved it. It created additional revenue and helped rationalize printing demands, And The Periodic Tables got media exposure at a fraction of the price.

Hi-Tech Communications firm: How to avoid being outsourced.

Sometimes it is necessary to get help to do international marketing to meet your business goals. A service division of this hi-tech firm was in danger of being outsourced unless it could show its corporate bosses it was as effective as outside companies in the US and overseas.

JFA organized and implemented a global research effort to compare prices of the internal service group to those of outside services. Then present the results in a compelling manner to upper management. The internal group's functions were not outsourced.

Audio-Forum: The Power of Print.

The largest US publisher of language learning tapes wanted to get media coverage in leading markets to gain increased sales in corporate markets.

JFA got the coverage in media as diverse as the Wall Street Journal and Human resources. This caught the attention of large corporate buyers like United Airlines.

Latvian Investment and Development Agency Getting the US to Notice

Since 1996, JFA has served as the US Representative of the Latvian Investment and Development Agency to promote US investment in Latvia and find markets for Latvian goods, services and people. The task has gotten easier since Latvia is now part of the European Community and NATO.

We have done everything from facilitating a Latvian basketball player to get into the NBA to arranging hi-tech company tours in Silicon Valley. Latvian companies have been featured in trade shows after being trained on how to deal with Americans and JFA got Latvia extensive press coverage to explain to all parties where Latvia is and what it stands for. The US is now the largest single source of foreign investment in Latvia.

Additional case histories and references are available upon request.
JFA Clients


IMC Global
International Poultry Exposition
Ohio Farm Bureau
Sparks Commodities

Financial Institutions

Bank of America
Franklin Templeton Funds
Kemper Insurance

International Trade and Transportation

Carlson Wagonlit Travel
Covington & Burling
Eagle Logistics
Global Business
Jacobs Trading
Joseph Companies
Latvian Investment and Development Agency
Smarte Carte

Language Learning

Seiko Instruments
The Learning Company

Localization and Translation Services

Bourne Global Solutions
Global Sight
Lionbridge Technologies
Localization Industry Standards Association
Lucent Globalization Solutions
PH Brink International


National Hog Farmer
Successful Farming