Periodic Tables©


The Washington Post

Each box of each poster has this level of detail ! 

35 different toasts and representative drinks from 35 different nations.

The Periodic Table Of Toasts©




"As handsome as it could be"

"Valuable Tool"
Journal of Commerce

The flags of forty nations accompanied by their language and a word or phrase describing the nations culture.

Periodic Table Of The Languages©




"Stylish Display"
Journal of Commerce

"Clever Promotion for Banking"
Bank Marketing Magazine

Forty different currencies accompanied by their official slang terms.

Periodic Table Of Money©




"Instantly draws you in"

The tail markings of forty airlines accompanied by their official term for 1st class service.

Periodic Table Of First Class©










Order All 4 Posters US $80.00
(plus $5.00 S & H)


Each Poster $25

(plus $5.00 S & H)