Letter: Why do Iranians hate the U.S.? Let me count the ways




Published 1/22/2020

By John Freivalds

The Roanoke Times, Roanoke, Virginia

The historical amnesia that seizes the political class in the U.S. amazes me. Politicians can only spout what appeals to people at the moment. The U.S. policy has dumped on Iran for almost 70 years. It started in 1953 when Iran’s elected president was overthrown in a coup engineered by a conservative secretary of state. Once he was out, the U.S. installed the pliant Shah. He bought U.S. arms and allowed women to drive and wear dresses. Oh yeah, he wore suits and spoke perfect English. He created the SAVAK, a brutal secret policy trained by who else - the Mossad Israeli’s secret service. He got exceedingly corrupt (crowned himself emperor) and was overthrown. And when he sought and was given asylum in the us the embassy was seized and hostages taken. A series of Mullahs (akin to fervent evangelicals here), who wore robes and spoke no English or “American” as many in Trump’s base would say, took over.


Saddam Hussein (remember him?) of Iraqi saw this as a chance to invade Iran and a bloody was ensued. During the war the U.S. supplied Iraq with intelligence and satellite images that helped kill Iranians. Also during this time a U.S. navy ship mistakenly shot down an Iranian passenger airlines killing hundreds. Oops, a mistake! And the Iranians supported the Shiites who were marginalized by Saddam for years. And now they support the Iranians who helped them get rid of Saddam.

The Iranians are proud people with ancient traditions and I learned to live among them for a number of years and speak Farsi. They think in term of centuries not seconds. The worse curse word you can say in Farsi is adap nadari- you have no manners. Iranians see the only way you can get respect is to be a nuclear power. So that’s what they are doing. And who are their technical advisors - the Russians, silly!

And now this.



Here is what the people are saying!

oldman46 Jan 22, 2020 5:56am

A great, historically accurate letter but expect the coming attacks from the portion of the population that cries fake news.

Name Withheld Jan 22, 2020 7:24am

Yeah, that's a good reminder of where we've been with Iran since the installation of the Shah.

Does this "news outlet" have editors?

"asylum in the us..."

"a bloody was ensued..."

florestan Jan 22, 2020 9:24am

Sounds more like a "why JOHN FREIVALDS hates the US," to me. Even if some (or all) of what you reference is correct, it's one side of the story. You portray the hateful fanatics who run Iran as poor, innocent, well-meaning victims. Right.

oldman46 Jan 22, 2020 10:18am

A predictable response from those who are immune to perspective but dislike anyone who is from a different area and fly the flag of a defeated nation . An intelligent person might ask how many times Iran attacked us prior to the Shah.

1962 Jason Jan 22, 2020 10:34am

It is common, don't you think, that underlying provocations/offenses occur before the "first punch" is thrown? Conflicts escalate from a starting point, they don't simply manifest immediately at the "war" level. And of course, each side of a conflict sees what offends them without acknowledging or by devaluing the seriousness of how the other party perceives offense. Human beings can be terrible people.

jwb5555 Jan 22, 2020 11:47am

I'm 72 and now realize what an arrogant country we are and have been for most of the last 72 years. If I were younger I would move away from this beautiful and cushy but selfish place.

Nate Hansard

Historically correct on all counts, but the point about us instigating (with the help of the British spy service) the overthrow of a democratically elected leader in favor of what amounts to a corrupt king really says it all.

It happened, and it matters.