How dropping out has become in  

Published 9/31/2018

By John Freivalds

Margo Brown was 42 in 1986 and her job at a Fortune 500 big pharma firm wasn't satisfying. So with little research, but a lot of wanderlust, she decided to travel around Asia for a year. She didn't have tons of money so she was going to stay in hostels and take the cheapest transport she could. John, her father, was a respected lifer and successful trader at Cargill, raised in Aurora on the Iron Range where you got one job and stayed with it for the rest of your life. He didn't get his daughter at all. He, like many of Margo's nay saying friends, said you are throwing your career away with this move. But Margo told him she had to get out so she could get in. She needed time to think and not about the next Power Point presentation. He didn't believe her.

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Freivalds: In Twitter we trust (Hey! What happened to God?)


Published 9/1/2018

The Roanoke Times, Roanoke, VA

By John Freivalds


My first experience with the power of technology came almost 50 years ago. There was no internet, fax, call waiting, watts lines, caller ID just the phone. My boss in the grain business wanted to know how much of this specialty flour a local competitor was producing. And he wanted the info in two days so he could present it to the marketing council. What to do?

Armed with whatever else I could pick up about the company at the library (remember no Google around then) I called the company at lunch time and got through to the plant manager asked "I am from marketing research and need to know the last three years production runs?" He answered "why don't you call so and so in Chicago? (The company's headquarters)." I said "I did, everyone's out to lunch." Then he said "OK" and gave me the numbers.

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Join me in seeing Latvia — and Russian threats against it — as real


To most Americans, my native country and even NATO are abstractions, but there are real life-or-death considerations. 

Published 7/12/2018

By John Freivalds

Minneapolis Star Tribune

To most Minnesotans, Latvia, along with Lithuania and Estonia, are geographic abstractions. The three Baltic States will be a testing ground to see if the U.S. honors its commitments to NATO. I have no doubt that Russian President Vladimir Putin — with whom President Donald Trump is to meet next week for a summit in Finland — will at some point provoke some sort of incident to justify intervention. Latvia and Estonia have a large percentage of Russian migrant workers who were brought in by Josef Stalin to staff now-defunct Soviet enterprises. They have to learn the local language to become citizens, yet Russia doesn’t want them back. They are an irritation to us Latvians and an opportunity to Putin.

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Liberal View: Actually, Trump is a fascist


Published 6/24/2018

By John Freivalds

Donald Trump is always telling his supporters he will tell it like it is. So let me tell how, in every dictionary definition I have come across, the president is a fascist. This label is not so much a pejorative as a fact.

Let's first define fascism. Oxford Reference puts it this way: "an authoritarian and nationalistic right wing system of government and social organization." Let's put that another way: Would you invite Trump to a junior high civics class to discuss the concept of separation of powers as embodied in the U.S. Constitution?

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 Freivalds: Minnesotan winters influence our

casual attire


Published 3/14/2017

Lakeshore Weekly News

Minneapolis, MN


When those thousands of visitors came to town to see the Super Bowl, they were shocked by the Bold North — shocked not only by the subzero weather but how Minnesotan’s dress.

There we were in grimy, faded down jackets, ragged shawls, facemasks, boots and galoshes covered with salt stains, mismatched gloves and salt dust all over our sweatpants with catalog designs from brushing up next to our dented salt spray-covered SUVs. But we were warm. And the hardiest of us were sitting out on frozen lake ice fishing. Survival!

Au contraire! The visitors came in what they considered their temperate winter wear, and it quickly proved inadequate.

I met a fashionably dressed woman from Los Angeles standing in the lobby of Hotel Landings, new in Wayzata. She was dressed to the nines and was waiting for the hotel limo to take her one block away to a restaurant: “No way am I going out in that.”

Big deal. It was only 5 below.

I believe that our beyond frumpy winter garb spills over to influence of our dress the rest of the year. I grew up in Washington, D.C., where you had restaurants that would not let you do any paperwork on the dining tables and you were handed a tie to put on if you weren’t wearing one.

And at The University Club “members and guests staying at the club’s overnight accommodations are asked to pass quickly through the lobby when not wearing appropriate clothes … if you plan to visit the club only to use the athletic facility and you are not dressed in accordance with the dress code, a convenient casual entrance is at the rear of the clubhouse.” Translation: next to the garbage cans by the back door.

And at Georgetown University where I went school, guys had to wear coats and ties to class and dresses were a must for the ladies — who were not allowed to sit on the grass. But on weekends you were allowed to dress “properly dishevelled” on campus. And in Lexington, Virginia, where I used to live, students and teachers have to wear uniforms at VMI.

Now living in the Twin Cites off and on for 40 years, I have only seen one instance of a dress code being enforced in a public restaurant. A bunch of Green Bay Packers fans were staying at the Nicollet Island Inn and came into the dining room wearing those ubiquitous soiled baseball hats. The maître’d told them no hats are allowed in the dining room.

OK, we do have private clubs like the Minneapolis Club for the power elite and the county clubs where dress codes are enforced. And for those wishing for the good ol’ days, we have the dance clubs where black tie (meaning tux) and gowns are required. One invitation-only social club meets at Minikhada in September, Woodhill in December and at Interlachen in May. And many of the cruises Minnesotans vacation on offer formal evenings.

A professor at Notre Dame teaches a course called “Nation of Slobs.” I think we Minnesotans lead the way. Even our president wears a baseball cap. The professor states “there has to be a happy medium between wearing a burka and running round half-naked.”

She adds “that style moved toward simplicity and eventually slipped into stupidity.”

I mean, during the Super Bowl, women thought it was fashionable to parade down Lake Street wearing jeans that looked like they were ripped apart by Godzilla. And men get their fashion hints from outdoor stores whose headquarters are near the Nebraska-Wyoming border. Enough said.

So I bet my wife that in the Twin Cities there is not a public venue where I would be turned away if I wore only cutoffs, floppy sandals, a stained T-shirt and a grimy baseball hat — with the brim turned backward, of course. In Minnesota we really have only one dress code restriction:

No shoes. No shirt. No service.

John Freivalds is an author, commodities broker and opinion columnist. He lives with Linda his wife, a flock of turkeys, a herd of deer, a family of foxes, many raccoons, two mallards, two pheasants and innumerable songbirds.